Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Be sure and trick or treat at Google's Halloween page before the witching hour is over!
It's absolutely ENCHANTING!

Happy Halloween! Happy All Hallow's Read!

Image courtesy of

Meow meow meow from the Bride of Kittystein

Monday, October 21, 2013

All Hallow's Read

Follow that cat! {click on image}
October greetings dear reader. It's been quite the mystery of late for your Miss Kitty; wondering where our library's Halloween books were spirited off to in the night. Thankfully the mystery has been *solved just in time for All Hallow's Read.

All Hallow’s Read is a Hallowe’en tradition. It’s simply that in the week of Hallowe’en, or on the night itself, you give someone a scary book. Here is the handsome and talented  Mr. Neil Gaiman describing the event:

{click on image..if you dare}

I absolutely adore all the John Bellairs mysteries. It's not often you find a genuinely spooky but not too-scary mystery series wrapped in the warmth of a Norman Rockwell-esque small town atmosphere.

And of course, we must not forget Neil Gaiman's own Newbery Award winner, The Graveyard Book.

Sigh, I guess you should click through...

But fear not brave friends, here's a great list from Harper's Collins that has excellent choices for all ages. Perish the thought that Halloween should not include candy, but I hope you get a reading treat or two in your pillowcase as well. Honestly, I think the entire month of October should be All Hallow's Read.

{Click on the image for a full size and eminently more readable pdf of this}

So dear reader, I bid you a spectacular All Hallow's Eve. And I'll share with you *who* stole Halloween at our library. Gremlins. They didn't actually steal the books; just hid them from Miss Kitty for a bit. No candy for them in their pillowcases but they will get a bedtime story. About good gremlin manners. Manners matter, even if you're a gremlin.