Friday, February 21, 2014

A little yarn

As you know dear reader, I am endlessly fascinated by what shows up on my desk. Here we have a certain Miss K's Kindergarten art class project from 2010. Now a third grader, I guess she had to really ponder the emotional investment of giving it to  me.

What I love about this art exercise is the possibility that there was some subversive art rebellion being born. Obviously a class about shapes and colors, I love it that Miss K elected to put red scraps in the green triangle shape and green scraps in the blue rectangle shape.

Which brings us to one of my very favorite "unauthorized" street art movements; yarn bombing!!
The MacMillon Dictionary defines it as "The activity of putting knitted coverings on statues, posts, seats and other public objects, especially secretly and without official permission."

Blogger Laurie Jess has a wonderful post about this with some great images. Check it out!

Are these trees in Seattle not fantastic!

I just love this chain link fence lace bombed by Demakersvan. There is wonderful post about this on
If It's Here It's Hip's blog.

Where does this yarn I'm spinning meander off to you ask? With this wonderful new picture book in our library.*eng

Winner of many awards, including a Caldecott Honor, Mac Barnett's Extra Yarn is clever and charming. Jon Klassen (A Caldecott winner himself) is the perfect illustrator for this fresh picture book. I want to keep this yarn a mystery, so I won't tell you the story. You'll have to place a hold on this or meander over the library and check it out along with a couple of books about knitting. And do check this earlier post on the subject of yarn and knitting as well....*eng

Just don't yarn bomb Miss Kitty {wink}