Thursday, April 23, 2015

Long Overdue

I am thrilled to share with you the big news that the Marin County Free Library has eliminated overdue fines for the use of children's materials. Read more about it in detail here, but I think our Library Director says it best;
"It has been the Library's experience that the accumulation of fines from overdue materials often leads to youth no longer using the Library. Eliminating these fines will eliminate that barrier....fines and fees create financial barriers for the children and their parents that most need free library resources to promote their life-long learning opportunities." - Sara Jones

Of course we want our wonderful library materials to come back on time and in good condition, so we will still charge for lost and damaged children's materials.

Having your very own library card and using it responsibly IS like winning at Monopoly. You can even wear a silver top hat when you return your materials if you like. Be sure and tip your hat to the Board of Supervisors in my famous building. Their support made this new policy possible.

We'll even replace lost kid's library cards for free!  Come talk to us if you have old fines and are 16 or older and ready for an adult library card. We want to make sure you get that new adult card and learn about all the fantastic resources available to you.

Visit the Civic Center Library on July 28, 2015 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. for another fun family board game and photo booth night!