Thursday, August 4, 2016

A New Catalog, Last Blogger post, and a New Home for Miss Kitty Presents

Greetings Dear Reader!

A trumpet fanfare to announce  Marin County Free Library's brand new website and catalog that we rolled out this week! Here are some great tips to get your started.

Take at look at our kids page and check out all the great things going on in our libraries.

This humble little blog, Miss Kitty Presents, will have a new location and a new look. I will move from Blogger to a Wordpress platform and you'll find me under Library Blog on the new website.
I hope newcomers just seeing this blog will stay and view the archives for six years worth of fun posts, and then join me on the new site.

With great fondness I say thank you so much for six years of following my posts and a whopping 21081 page views! Here is just a teeny weeny tiny sampling of pictures from our time together.

I'll see you on the new site in a bit. Guess what fantastic resource I'll be using to learn Wordpress?! With your library card, Marin County residents have access to all of the tremendous tutorials there as well as many other fantastic online learning resources

A big hug and kiss. Love from your Miss Kitty.